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Cultural Participatory Business Model an Introduction

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What is a Cultural Participatory Business Model?

Welcome to our work on Cultural Participatory Business Models (CPBM), where we delve into the dynamic realm of business models, inviting you to explore beyond the conventional. You may be familiar with business models and even navigated the intricacies of a business model canvas. However, we invite you to embark on a journey into the unique realm of Cultural Participatory Business Models. What sets them apart? It's the infusion of a participatory ethos, a dedicated focus on social value, and a perspective rooted in cultural heritage institutions. Within this innovative framework, we emphasize a holistic view, accounting for social and environmental considerations. From crafting a compelling social value proposition to balancing the scales of costs and benefits, this approach invites multiple stakeholders to actively engage, ensuring their needs are heard and their benefits acknowledged. By championing inclusivity and democratic processes, this collaborative approach not only enhances the immediate impact but also paves the way for the sustained success and long-term sustainability of your initiatives. Join us as we unravel the layers of Cultural Participatory Business Models and explore the transformative potential they hold for your ventures.

Recharge Cultural Participatory Business Model Canvas

The CPBMC extends the Business Model Canvas, aligning with the RECHARGE approach. It introduces two crucial layers: first, incorporating participatory terminology such as types of participation, customer relationships, and feedback loops; second, integrating the cultural heritage institution's business approach, emphasizing social value, defining customer segments, and addressing social and environmental impacts.


Try it out for Yourself! Below is a blank canvas along with a downloadable link


Download the Blank Canvas Here

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