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RE-FOCUS: Focus Group by Centrum Cyfrowe at The Hunt

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On March 20th, a team from Centrum Cyfrowe in Poland visited The Hunt Museum to meet the community in Limerick and learn about participation.

The fifteen participants came from different backgrounds and age groups: museum docents and museum interns; corporate partners involved with the RECHARGE Living Lab; corporates who have not worked directly with the museum before; artists that have worked/collaborated with the museum before and representatives of the local community who regularly collaborate with the museum.

The range of questions asked went from their idea on participation to the role and purpose of museums, and the reasons for interacting with museums. As a preferred method of interaction and exchange of ideas, participants were asked to write answers on post-its (a RECHARGE staple by now!)

Some questions were quite specific and allowed people to vocalise their personal and professional needs, for instance describe the perfect project that would engage you personally or your professional skills

The questions led to many insights from the group, as well as the sharing of stories, experiences and ideas. The group was very talkative and engaged - we weren’t quite expecting this, and CC collected a lot of info and data that will be very important for the future developments of the Living Labs within the RECHARGE project.

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