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RECHARGE at the European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics

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From September 4-6, 2024, the 11th European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics took place at the María Zambrano Campus of the University of Valladolid, Segovia.

The interesting event brought together scholars from both Europe and other parts of the world, who presented around 50 research papers in the field of Cultural Economics, through parallel sessions full of insights and significant thematic and methodological advances in our area of study.


Our partner member from University of Valladolid, Luis César Herrero Prieto,  gave a presentation entitled I like participatory museums; but how much? A demand and supply side assessment, carried out in the framework of the RECHARGE project, capturing the interest and valuable feedback of the attending researchers. This presentation included two investigations: the first, on the value given by the community to participatory activities, whose results have already been published in RECHARGE Research while the second research dealt with the value given by the stakeholders of museums to participatory activities.


This second research has been just presented to the rest of the members of the project in the 5th RECHARGE Consortium Meeting held in Warsaw. After the presentation, an enriching discussion took place, therefore having the opportunity to include some valuable ideas and suggestions from our partners before this research is published in RECHARGE Research.

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