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Co-ownership As part of the participatory practices of business model architecture, Co-ownerhip refers to sharing ownership and benefits among partners. It requires trust and transparency of operations that are fundamental conditions to fuel the sustainability of cooperation, prioritising the common project over the interests of individual actors UVA: It refers to a situation in which two or more partners share ownership and responsibility for a specific or general project in a museum, which implies involvement in the decision-making process, the funding of the initiative, as well as the benefits derived. Collaboration may occur between museums or with public entities, private companies, foundations, communities and other stakeholders. Activities can relate to museum assets (acquisitions of artworks, donations, bequests, transfers, restitutions) but also to wider initiatives such as temporary exhibitions, workspaces, digital supply, educational resources, etc. Transparency and trust are required as well as avoiding the principal-agent problem (lack of coordination between definition and execution of cultural policy). By EUR


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